Sunday, October 16, 2011

An Ode to 'crats ...

I'd rather be a technocrat ... than a bureaucrat,
I'd rather be a democrat ... than an aristocrat,
I'd rather be a meritocrat ... than a theocrat,
I'd rather be a monocrat ... than a plutocrat,
I'd rather be in a thalassocrat ... than in a gerontocrat,
I'd rather neither be in an ochlocrat ... nor in a mobocrat.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Are we really that independent?

Independence is that complex state of mind, financial or political freedom
It is that point in our existence when we can fend for ourselves ...
A state where we no longer care for help from others or need 'em
When we can forget bygone debts and put worries on the shelves!

Ah, but it is hardly that simple in real life, is it?
Because in truth we all need each other to survive ...
However far apart we may be, we'll always be closely-knit
So, we stick together so that we can feel more alive!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day ...

Every third Sunday in June 
Ere summer has actually arrived 
American kids celebrate to a tune 
To honor Dads that have thrived!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Patriot Graves ...

Across the cemetery in broad daylight
Rows 'n' columns of tombstones in plain sight
And a flag was ceremoniously placed at every grave
Honoring a patriot who saved us but whom we couldn't save.
Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The sphere is here ...

Hush my friends and family ... do not fear,
The end of the world, as predicted, is not yet here,
So, stretch your legs and have a beer,
Whether you're a doctor or an engineer,
A financier or a mere volunteer,
The sphere is here,
The sphere is here!