Sunday, May 7, 2006

Lift off ...

The infinite above,
The infinite below,
And ecstasy all around ...
Trains of thought burst my mind
Through a confusion of light 'n' sound,
Man, I've left the ground.

No yesterday behind,
No tomorrow in front,
I live only now
And stare at today ...
Through a colorful smoky screen,
Man, I ain't changing this scene.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

There is no wind here ...

There is no wind here
All air is still
People move in faceless numbers
With eyes without pupils
Minds without thought
There is no shame here
Only resigned acceptance
Overwrought thespians
In a play without plot

Humorous faces ... defeated
Cynical smirks ... dry
Puncture the pregnant silence
With a madman's scream
And plunging their silence into ...
Into a void, a hollow or an abyss?
Because, there is no wind here ...
How does one breathe?

The Ebb & Flow of the Web & Workflow

In the last dozen or so years, we have witnessed two key information technologies that have changed (nay, revolutionized) the way businesses operate today. The first of these, of-course, is the World Wide Web and the other, perhaps lesser known, is Workflow.

As Thomas Friedman noted in his bestseller book "The World is Flat", that Workflow Software was Flattener #3.

Friday, May 5, 2006

Let's begin with a poem

You may sit and ask what you want to know
I'll behave and answer too
But what's the use of you talking to me
It's the same as me talking to you.

You rise and fall with the waves of life
I rise and fall too
Rising and falling is all we ever do
So, tell me something new.

Keep a little aside for yourself
And a little aside to share
Go away if you want to
Stay on if you care.